Movie Trailer
For the most part, pre- production is pretty similar for all projects. It consist of story boarding, sequencing, and getting all of the actors casted. We decided on doing the film “The edge of seventeen”. It takes place in school and overall seemed easy at first glance. There were a few shots, however, that we had to switch up to make sure it was still appropriate.
It was pretty hard to fit everyone’s schedule to be able to film and honestly we filmed until the day before it was due. It was definitely a challenge and I think it might be because we had to work with people we weren’t used to working with. We also had to separate the filming in the sense that we weren’t all free at the same time so our group members needed to film different things in their time.
I only had four hours to edit which sucked but I somehow was able to finish. The hardest part was having to edit the bad audio because I don’t really know how to do the different types of editing yet. I would change the way I edited the video by doing tighter editing and maybe paying more attention to detail since I didn’t have much time to edit. I had a hard time with a group member but overall I think it turned out okay.
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