Typeface Parts

                 This week in graphic design, we made a chart to show different parts in typefaces. To do this we first had to learn about fonts and the meanings. We made this chart in Adobe Illustrator while referencing another chart that showed us the different parts. For this chart I used "Baskerville" and one of the requirements for this project was to use a font with serifs. Along with making the chart accurate we also had to make it presentable and chose a font that would be legible when the lettering is small.
                I learned a lot about what fonts mean. For example, 'serif' means that the font has serifs on the letters, and 'sans' means without. Together, the font would be without serifs. I also learned that you should always be careful with the fonts you use because some fonts can look more professional, while some fonts can look more childlike. Along with that, most graphic designers customize the fonts they use for their clients. So in reality, most companies have a logo with a font that probably nobody has.


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